Friday, November 16, 2007

Treaure Hunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m so excited to finally get my gallery and tutorial blog up and running, I’m having a TREASURE HUNT!!!! (this weekend only)

Here’s how to play!!

Part 1:
Somewhere hiding in my gallery are 2 coupons!! Both are single use coupons (means each customer can only use the coupon one time), one expires at midnite on Sunday Nov. 18th. The other coupon doesn’t expire until Dec. 17th!!!!! That gives you an entire month to make up your wish list!! To use them, you have to first FIND them!!! When you want to use the coupon, just type in the code in the coupon box on the order page. (It’s on the left side of the screen)

I’ll give you a hint…..they are both located in the Stamp Sets album!! Grin…

Part 2:
I’ve hidden 3 images (they are marked “Surprise!” on the image). If you find them and email me, after you place your min 10$ order, which images they are, you will get a free stamp for each image you find correctly. Limit of 3 free images per customer. (Free images will be selected by me.)
HINT: All the hidden images are located somewhere in the gallery!
(Yes, you can combine Part 1, with Part 2!! and no, you can not combine the coupons lol) You have until Monday Nov 19th, 2007, at midnite (EST) to find the hidden images and place your 10$ min. order, to recieve your free stamps.
Happy Hunting!!!

BTW: You will find the gallery is sorted by stamp sets, new art, and customer art! The free fonts and sketches are back up too!! I am still uploading images, and tutorials too, so be sure to check back often!! AND, you can search by designer, and by customer name too! So if you want to submit art for the gallery, email it to me! Just be sure to include your name in the file name so I know who to give the art credit to!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having trouble with my computer. It's in the puter hospital and won't be ready for another week. (hopefully). So I will be out in cyberspace for awhile. Have more cards made and ready to scan. Will contact you asap. Had a hard time finding a place to contact you. Hope this goes through.