Drum Roll Please!!!
In no particular order, the winners of the 2007-2008 FireCracker Designs by Pamela Team are:
Lorraine Revalee
Korin Sutherland
Leslie Moore
Brenda Loock
Etha Schuette
Jennifer Greco
Nettie Kurinsky
and THANK YOU to everyone who submitted such amazing art,making this such a successful contest!!
Here are the top pix:
Lorrain R.

Korin S.

Leslie M.

Brenda L.:

Jennifer G.:

Etha S.

Nettie K.

Wow, such neat entries!! I can't believe I'm in there too. Its such an honor and will be a ton of fun. Thanks so much!! I've always been watching what your previous design team has been doing and found their work just fabulous, a great inspiration.
Oh, one more thing, if its not too much trouble, could you give me another e and perhaps a t to make my name Schuette? GRIN
Congratulaions everyone!! You're all so talented! can't wait to work with you! :o)
Wow! These look really great!
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