Monday, June 04, 2007

Singing The Airport Blues

We arrived at o-dark thirty this morning, ready to take our flight from Col. to Nashville, changing planes in Chicago. We get in the line, only to be told that our flight has been delayed 2 hours, which means we will be missing our connection flight. We stood in line with all the other passengers waiting for rebooking for the connecting flight. We moved exactly 10 feet in THREE HOURS!!!!!!
I kid you not. Along the way, we met a lovely couple who were going to Hawaii for their honeymoon...and a friendly family of 5 going to Tokyo! I hope they had better luck with their rebookings than we did.
We finally get our turn at the counter, and the BEST they could do...rebook us on the flight that leaves at 4:55 and get us to Nashville at 1030 PM!!! (only 12 hours later than we were supposed to arrive!!!) I'm just dumbfounded...I looked at the United Rep with a face of complete disbelief. "Is that really the best you can do for us? There are no other flights, thru any where, getting us there quicker??" He apologizes and says I'm almost in tears by now....this is the ENTIRE day WASTED!!! Ok, it's either take this flight, or fly tomorrow...we take that I said, well, at least you'll give us food vouchers..won't you? He actually said NO!!! Why not?? He just apologizes and says he can't do it. What the H#@$!?? So here we sit, in Wendy's food court in the Col. took another 3 hours before their stupid internet was working....aren't you glad they got it going just so I could share all this joy with you? SIGH......
One entire day of the convention wasted.......ARGGGG!!!!

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