Friday, March 23, 2007

The Rubber Stamper

I was in Hobby Lobby yesterday browsing with a friend, when I happened to see the Rubber Stamper (March/April issue) on the mag rack. I take my friend over to the mag, pick it up, flip to pg. 47-48 and say "Hey, look at those stamps..they look just like mine! Hey wait..those ARE mine....grin!" I have to admit it gave me a huge thrill to see my stamps and my store mentioned in Roberta Wax's article about Stamping for Special Occassions. My friend ooohhhhd and ahhhhd and I felt like I was famous....for a few short seconds anyways...he he he


Anonymous said...

I saw that article, and it was great! Loved seeing your name and images included! :o)

Kathy said...

so where can one look at or buy your stamps, sounds like a cool job! how did you get a job like that?